Sunday, April 14, 2013

Another closet corrects the cry.

Another closet corrects the cry.

The post Another closet corrects the cry. appeared first on DreamWebMedia.

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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Why Purchase Solar Generator - Powersource 1800 Generator

Well after hearing about the threats and the news about North Korea using nuclear warfare against U.S. soil on April 3, 2013.  I realized that I should recommend folks to purchase a backup solar generator for this kind of preparedness.  We all know there has been things boiling for the past 30+ years and all the talks about, people are now realized they should be somewhat prepared if they are not leaving the country.

So I hope not to scare you, but to encourage you to either leave the USA now or get preparedness with emergency solar power so that you have a way to keep your lights on during possible blackouts.  Also now that I think about, you might as well stock up on drinking water supply because anything to do with nuclear and biological weaponary, it spreads like wild fire and depending on how or if even this happens, you will want to have some distant between you and the local water supply.  I might even dare to say that you want to have a way of pumping water in your backyard.  And don't tell anyone that you plan on adding a water pumping system because until something happens and even then you might want to  walk steadily with people until you know more about them.  Don't be afraid, remember they didn't do the attack if that happens, they are bystanders and for the most part, completely stressed out and looking for refuge. 

The solar generator that I am recommending is called the Powersource 1800.  It is quite powerful as well as portable.  What I really enjoy about this particular unit is that the company behind has been testing this product for over 5 years and they are constantly the winner of the solar generator market.

It can power up lamps, microwaves, computers, hotplates, coffee maker and much.  The way it works is there is a built in powerful deep cell battery that has smart technology built in to keep appliances from overcharging.  Additionally, there is a 90 solar panel and a power cord so you have two ways of charging up the generator.  It takes anywhere from 3-8 hours to charge your solar battery from the sun and about 5 hours max on a dead battery being charged from the wall outlet.

The part which is portable is the wheels that are on the solar panel. If you wanted to move the generator itself, it weighs about 65 lbs so be sure that you have two people help you move it unless you can carry it by yourself.

The cost for this unit varies from retailer to retailer, but the average price point is $1600 dollars.  You can easily order them online and the manufacturer is located in the USA, so you know that you aren't just giving your cash to some big public company whose purpose is more driven by profits than your safety.  Another thing that I want to mention is that we should be prepared while still maintaining a sense of calmness and cleverness.  There is no use in getting upset and stressed, just get prepared, be smart, build relationships and pray and meditate.

When you purchase the solar generator, you might as well go shopping for backup supplies like water and food.  There are some companies that offer backup survival food bins for 30 days and even up to 6 months and a year.  They usually cost about $100 to $1000 dollars, but food that is organic and can last more than a month is totally worth the cost.


Monday, February 25, 2013

How To Manage Multiple Niche Blogs?

via DreamWebMedia Are you someone who runs multiple blogs but getting a bit overwhelmed? Here are some easy and simple systems that you can implement by just doing the following list below: Each day have a certain list of tasks that need to get done, below is a simple list that you can implement right now to start generating traffic and traction for your blog. * 1) Answer 3 to 5 questions on Q & A sites per blog site. 2) Create a blog post for each blog and set to publish at different times. 3) Convert your blog post into a video for example and then upload to video sharing sites as well as on your blog post. (dreamwebmedia currently working on videos) 4) Go and answer some threads in the forums, probably 1-3 per niche blog. 5) Type out 1 article up to 500-700 words for each blog and then submit to: Web 2.0 sites Article sites Wiki sites WordPress blogs 6) Blog comments (this would be more for engaging others on their blogs and leading them back to your site as well as link building) most of the time when you write a good comment or answer, people are more motivated to learn more, wouldn’t you be as well as if you heard some good information?) If you are running more than 10 blogs per day, you might want to consider focusing only on the most profitable ones that way you can get to scaling faster. This blog post are for those who are more advanced into profiting from niche blogs as well as those who are only focused on quality top notch blogs and can manage a few of them, but need to know an easy and simple system to get results faster across their all blog sites. *The reason you want to show traction on your site is because when we submit blogs to blog carnivals as well as other popular sites, people like to know that there is someone really behind the screen and not some one page site full of just being one page. Hope that you enjoyed some of these simple and easy ways on how to manage multiple blogs. The post How To Manage Multiple Niche Blogs So You Get Traffic Faster? appeared first on DreamWebMedia.

via Dream Web Media, Inc

Monday, February 18, 2013

Freebies For Newbies Just Launched - DreamWebMedia

via DreamWebMedia As most bloggers or those who know about blogging have heard about wordpress and how powerful it can be. And let us tell you that we couldn’t agree with you more, which is why we created Freebies For Newbies. It is a site where we collected the best free responsive and mobile wordpress themes as well as premium responsive wp themes and we gathered some interesting as well as motivating videos to help bloggers, internet surfers and the like so to lift you up and encourage you to keep going on the dreams that you have in you to express through you. This url is where you can bookmark and check up on it often to get updates on free themes as well as other blogging news. As well as staying updated on tech news, plugins and themes. We haven’t implemented our email subscription yet as we are still in our beta phase, however we hope to launch that soon. One thing that can be said though about our Freebies For Newbies Program is that you’ll be able to always come to our site and as well as those developer download links work, you’ll always have a free access. Freebies For Newbies Free Responsive WordPress Themes Free Mobile Themes Premium Responsive & Mobile Themes Free Tech & motivation Videos For request into our network, simply click here. The post Freebies For Newbies Just Launched appeared first on DreamWebMedia.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Generating Targeted Web Traffic in 2013 - DreamWebMedia

via DreamWebMedia What are some powerful ways to really drive targeted web traffic with all the new Google updates? I have been doing on marketing and driving web traffic to my blog sites as well as ecommerce site since 2009 and I can tell that the game of seo has really changed in regards to the strategy. And one of the ways that I have seen a rise in traffic to my web blogs and ecommerce site is simply leveraging some of these tactics below. Answer Sites Video Sites Social Media Forums In regards to the answer sites, this is a gold mine and most people keep on undermining it. This is okay because most of the people who are on those Q and A sites are real people providing real answers. Plus because there are so many of these types of sites springing up, there is a lot more moderation than your regular forum where there are already thousands of people if not hundreds of thousands, meaning that moderation on those networks are not as strict. But sites like yahoo answers and the like are really powerful as well as moderated for real user experience as well as for driving quality, prospect ready targeted visitors to your blog or ecommerce or information based content site. Regardless of the website, it is all about providing the best answer at all these sites and making sure that you have a rock star profile so people will increase their trust to follow or share you so to speak. Another super easy way to drive targeted web traffic to a website is by replying to threads in the forums with something useful and of course having a signature link that includes a strong call to action. Now before you go out to the forums, you’ll need to create an account and make sure to just help out and don’t worry about the signature link. Plus unless you plan on running a real business online adding any link to your website right off the bat looks just like spam. Again, if you have done this, don’t worry and just know and move forward with what you know when you get into the forums and you want to market your services and products. Most of the time I see people who have a good signature as well as helpful replies will naturally get some traffic flowing back to your back. Now video marketing is huge right now and plans on to be for the next 5-10 years from my studies. Until the Google glasses and the other retina visual based computing technology comes into the world on a consumer level and affordable basics, the only way to reach consumers online and keep them engaged is to repeat history of the television era and just bring it online. Of course you are not that envy and will realize in order for you to be on the content provider side, be sure that you create your own videos and have a link to your website. Some of the best types of videos to create and drive targeted website traffic: *How To Videos *Benefits *Stats about your niche *A real review of a product and not just pictures. Yes the picture does work depending on your niche and I am not saying don’t do it, but I am saying that if you plan on being any kind of authority, you have to put yourself out there a little. I’m sure it can be uneasy as an internet marketer to have your face in a certain market and then be seen in another market. But to be honest, that is the best way to do it and be seen because then people see that you have a variety of knowledge. You know that big companies are getting into new forms of business models yet they did not start that way. Amazon is an example where you would go to purchase physical things and now you can purchase cell phones, sell online, buy digital music as well as ebooks. You can even apply for a prepaid card, credit card, visa amazon card and there are even cell phone networks that you can sign up with all through amazon. The one main goal when you are creating multiple blogs or involving yourself in new niches is to make sure that the niche you are in has some good standing. For example, if you were running a website where you sold things and then you wanted to do it again in a different market, it would be wise to have some kind of online proof that you delivered your products and other customers had a good time doing business with you. Of course some customers you can never make happy which usually means you really messed up or they messed up or they were having a really bad day and didn’t care what you had to say. Regardless though of those smaller issues as long as the majority of the people you served previously were happy and others find out, then you have put yourself in a good position to do business in another market and keep the trust going as you sell more and new products and services. Social media is another way to drive quality targeted web traffic, One thing that people are focusing in on is Bing search and Facebook search Graph. If you research as well as plan on out your social media system, you can really drive some powerful and real web traffic to your website (not fiverr robot likes). Here is an example, simply get a content locking or liking system in place for your Fanpage and then have a super powerful freebie offer where people would be crazy not to become a fan or like. From there, be sure that you engage them weekly or daily depending on the market. And each day be sure that you go out to Facebook and find people in groups that you are already in and then befriend them directly through that group. Don’t spam them but just say that you thought they might be interested in your link as well because you have a passion about whatever it is and want more people to be involved in the cause. Another great way to drive traffic is to create 1,000-2,000 word post about something and focus it in on something that has a lot of searches. Then create an optimized blog post or website page about and then social bookmark that url and post it on facebook. The reason for this is that if you have friends or followers there, you’ll get some quicker traffic, but also when you have done other on-site and off-site marketing, having your blog post optimized as well as some social media signals set up, it will alert the search bots thus causing them to determine if your exact blog post that was spread through the social media outlets are quality and professional enough to be on the first page of Google. One thing that you also have to realize is that each url is now being tracked even more like a number so to speak. And if those urls are not shared again or it is just a rise and then a fall, that is the kind of results you might also get depending on your niche. You might ask, “If these ways are so easy why aren’t a lot of people doing them?” I admit and I’m sure everyone will tell you that they want to do what works and move onto building their company. Most people in general who depend on their income online don’t care about the small little details and when(in the past) it was just about creating okay content and submitting it, that is what worked and that is why no one was truly interested in answers and forums and such. Would you spend another $100 or 10 hours or 100 hours in a forum when you could just spend $5-$50 dollars, spin your content and get rankings within days? I’m sure you realize now why there are so many things changing in regards to search traffic. Also, marketers are realizing their segmented markets and niches want to talk with real people online. Having the same results pull up all the time, gets boring. People nowadays want to connect with the blogger or the writer or business or author or whoever and see if they can relate to them and if they will benefit by following such person or company. Having you brand on those question and answer sites as well as forums and videos and social media will truly help put yourself in front of real people so you can get targeted web traffic. The post Generating Targeted Web Traffic in 2013 appeared first on DreamWebMedia.

via Dream Web Media, Inc

Monday, February 11, 2013

Database Backup Free Plugin « DreamWebMedia

via DreamWebMedia A lot of bloggers as well as those who run and operate from a platform called use variety of plugins but one thing that people want is the ability to backup their content. This wordpress database backup plugin creates and even schedules your backups, including all the tables, posts and pages. It is truly a powerful little plugin that those in the know are using to make backups. Remember, DreamWebMedia offers plugins and themes for both free and paid members, meaning that you get a lot more access to running your blog. Download Wp Plugin Visit Plugin Site

via Dream Web Media, Inc

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Good Concentration Music To Get You Blogging in 2013 « DreamWebMedia

via DreamWebMedia Blogging Music This music really helps in getting yourself on track with working and getting things done fast. I have found it very helpful as someone who has ideas coming to him daily and sometimes 3 or 4+ per hour. Well, this music can slow you down in regards to your thinking while increase the flow of the neurons to your mind in order to crank out the content that you need to the people that really need it the most. I know we have all been there and I have been steady finding the keys so to speak on how to leverage my mind as well as my time. In the past 3 years, I wish I had found out about this as a relaxation and production tool. I just am thrilled to be blogging to you all today. I hope to get some videos out online this or next week. I’ve been setting up all these sites as well as the blog training videos.

via Dream Web Media, Inc

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Motivation To Get Yourself Going – This Works Brothers and Sisters « DreamWebMedia

via DreamWebMedia So after going through some things this morning, I realized a lot of bloggers sometimes forget or lose their motivation. Well, we’re been there at times and it takes walks and other things to get us going again, however I had to find something more simple. I simply researched it so then I could pass that onto If you really need some motivation, start listening to this every 10 minutes or less for real. It will change your mind as well as ignite some power within you to get blogging. Not sure why, but it is very powerful if you start thinking about your opportunities and what you can do with your time.

via Dream Web Media, Inc

Using Online Tools To Build Your Social Backgrounds « DreamWebMedia

via DreamWebMedia If you’re anything like me, you like to customize your websites and blog sites as much as possible to give it your own flare. At times I would rather just use some default however when I’m into building something I can say that I like to really get into it. Since the rise of social media I have started to really take to creating creatives for my social presences. Here are some of the online tools to help you create custom backgrounds for social media as well as blog sites: 1) – this is a free tool which you can optimize photos and change them according to how you want it to look. As well as have the options to bright, darken, tint, layers and it’s almost as good as the photoshop, however there are a lot of special effects that aren’t able to be performed, however this option is perfect as you can do it from anywhere in the world without needing to login or buy it. 2) – This tool is quite easy to have up and running in no time, all you do is find one, customize it a bit and you’re good to go. They include a link back to their website though in case you’re looking for a non credited one. 3) is another option for those who want a quick and easy background thats different than twitters backgrounds. One of the ways that you can really get some great backgrounds going are to use free images that you are rights to and then customize those images as well. You’ll be able to change the brightness, add some new and different elements to the image as well and then you can upload them to Twitter as well as Facebook, Youtube and other blog sites that allow you customization of their backgrounds. Sometimes it gets time consuming but that is the kind of quality time well spent. It is something that users will remember again and again whenever they visit your site, having something that stands out and looks good on the screen, makes a good impression each time. Other companies are changing their website backgrounds each month just so to stay fresh in the mind of the users. That is a good practice I think to go on, however depending on where you are in the business or your budget, it just might not allow it. For bloggers who blog at Here are some good background link to visit and use These and more tips about blogging from

via Dream Web Media, Inc

Blogging About WebApps 2013 « DreamWebMedia

via DreamWebMedia Do you know what webapps are? Webapps are growing in demand for both desktop/laptop users as well as mobile/tablet users. Everyone wants to be able to run something like a video, pdf, articles, conference, auction, shopping website, photogallery, facebook and social media websites. While others want to run software for their seo currents and others want to provide the ip blockers so the marketers can create accounts at various sites daily without getting into a ip blacklist. The list goes on and these are webapps! What about WebApps and Blogging? Well with the increase in webapps as well as people wanting to find something that is the most useful for them. Consider creating a webapp review blog. This puts you in perfect position to create a great review site that collect affiliate commissions while still being useful to your internet community. Everyone loves webapps from the women to the men. Anyone who needs or wants something from the internet like media, music, products, ideas, blogs, videos, books, clothes, foods, once fully undestood, realize they are using company’s web apps to enjoy their online experience. Well as people start increasing their internet usage, more of them are creating blogs and websites and need webapps to run their business and grow it as well. Depending on that size of blogger or business website owner, they might need a place to read more about a lot of them. (hint: build a webapp blog focused on 1 niche) Some ideas that you could blog about would be webapps for seo, webapps for business, webapps for money, webapps for video, webapps for social media, webapps for jobs, the list goes on again and I’m sure you get the point. Heres a list if you are still not sure what webapps are) Blogging About WebApp Idea: Blog about exiting and new webapps for a specific niche. As well as sign up to their affiliate programs and building quality backlinks and content about those who you can help in those niches by creating useful content to them.

via Dream Web Media, Inc

Thursday, February 7, 2013 « DreamWebMedia

via DreamWebMedia You’re a bright guy. Or girl. You like to write and blog about lots of different topics. Well now there’s a place on the Web that lets you dream and write about the things and topics you’re passionate about. It’s called Dream Web Media and it’s like a multi-blog of sorts. Because now you can go for the gold and blog your way to the top of Google’s coveted first page search engine results page (SERP) by using our tools and our network. It’s fast. It’s easy and it’s affordable. The Hassles of Blog Building and Management If you’re a wizard at WordPress and a systems IT person rolled into one, then you don’t need Dream Web Media. But if you’re a right-brained creative guy or girl, then you’re going to love the service you’ll find at Dream Web Media because you can instantly create your own blog, or website or a bunch of small ones – each one custom tailored to the things you’re passionate about. Training Included! WOW! We’ve been doing blogging a long, long time now. We’ve developed a wealth of training modules, step-by-step videos and more to help you make the most out of creating and blogging about anything you like. Our Programs at a Glance We offer a free (trial) version of Dream Web Media which lets you get set up without needing a domain name. Just sign up, register and start blogging. BRONZE If you already know a little about blogging, then this program is designed for you. We’ll get you a FREE subdomain name like: with unlimited hosting, unlimited bandwidth and free blog training. You can install any WordPress plugin you want, too. For more on our Bronze package for $6.95 a month, click here-> SILVER Gets you everything in the BRONZE package plus (4) more social media sites, your own domain name, unlimited add-ons, more space and cPanel access just to name a few of the many options you get with the SILVER plan. For more on our Silver package for $11.95 a month, click here-> GOLD Incoudes everything in the SILVER package plus up to 10 gigs of space, reseller access, unlimited domains and so much more For more on our Bronze package for $17.95 a month, click here-> Peace of Mind. WordPress Backups We know that your blogs are ultra-valuable. That is why we have automated backups once a night and full backups on Fridays to ensure your blogs are safely backed up. It’s a free service included with the BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD packages. We know you’re going to love Dream Web Media. And we hope you’ll tall a friend about us, too.

via Dream Web Media, Inc

Blog Traffic Creation 2013

Blog Traffic Methods in 2013

Getting traffic to a website or blog is hard enough since all the Google Panda and Penguin updates, it's time to understand blog traffic methods that work in 2013.  I won't waste any time here and will get right to it.
The first way you can easily generate some visitors to your blog is to go into the Answers and Questions websites.  There are real people there with real problems, just provide them some quality answers.  And be sure to include only quality links to your blog, here is a list of some of the answer websites.
Mind the Book
Amazon’s Askville
Yahoo! Answers
Stack Overflow
LinkedIn Answers
Blurt it
Anybody Out There
Answer Bank
Mahalo Answers

The second way is to submit only to the top quality article directories.  These sites have real readers and again, they have real people checking the articles and making sure it is up to par.  Here is a list of some of the top article directory sites.

The next way is another sure fire method, get into the forums and build some equity so to speak.  Start replying to posts and then start leaving your signature link.  You can't just show up to a party and promote who you are, you have to engage a little and then you can toot your horn so to speak.  Finding forums are easy just use your favorite search engine and type in, "keyword fourm" .  You fill in the keyword with your subject.  I can't really build a list for you on that, but it just use that simple search operator and you'll be good to go.

Another quick way to get some presence felt are with videos.  Youtube as well as Vimeo and other video sharing sites are springing up in all niches and now it's your turn to upload your videos.  This can really help you in getting traffic to your blog creation as well as building trust with your audience.

Some people aren't speaking to much about it probably because they are quietly building their mobile sites.  But having a mobile website and/or app depending on your business subject, can get quality traffic from having these in place.

For multi-channel bloggers, meaning that you promote and run online stores and affiliate review stores. Getting your products into Google Shopping, Bing Shopping, theFind, Pricegrabber and various other shopping sites can help you get some traffic to your blog.  Remember if your homepage is a store, be sure to have a blog logo or text link above the fold where you visitors can click on your blog.

Another good way to get traffic to your blog site is by involving yourself in the web 2.0 sites.  You can of course promote your products and services and articles, but remember to see who views you and if your content is getting read is to leave links in both the content as well as your user profile.

The forums and answers and videos really seem to be where you see and read people and their sites.  As well as with video, it really does build that trust.  There are ways people are simply uploading pictures and clips like that to youtube and that's fine if you're shy.  Just be sure that videos help people out in some way because they will be going back to you blog site.

Gadgets To Keep Your Gadgets Powered Up

Portable Tablet Chargers

As everyone gets more into tablets there will be an increase in power and one way to stay powered up while on the go is to get a portable tablet charger.  We cover a few different tablet chargers which will be both solar power as well as regular battery and wall outlet powered.  So relax and let's get started on the top portable tablet chargers.

Solar Tablet Charger

-> Goal Zero Guide 10 Plus  This is one of the leading solar tablet chargers for people around the world.  It provides you the ability to charge your ipod and your iPod, iphone and other mobile devices.

->Power Monkey Extreme Solar Charger  I would have to say this one will really blow your mind and the charge will come through a window for those who are in the cold climates and want to charge via the sun.  This is perfect for those who have wanted an ipad solar charger.

-> Voltaic Spark Solar iPod Charger & Case - Solar Charger for Tablets  This is a very powerful tablet charger, phone, iPod charger.  It is a huge battery pack and a large solar panel on the outside, very well worth your consideration and purchase.

Regularly Battery Pack Charger

-> EasyAcc 12000mAh  if solar power isn't your think, here are some of the hottest tablet chargers that are super powerful. This particular one has 12000 mah, which is super high for these consumer based battery packs.

->Anker® Astro 5600mAh Here is a smaller portable battery charger. you can easily put this in your pocket or backpack or just in your office drawer.  Great for leaving in your car during road trips.

 ->Anker® Astro3E 10000mAh For those who want a happy medium, this portable battery tablet pc charger is a good option.  You can have up to 40 hours of iphone and iPod time.  That is great for road-trips as well as local hikes.

These units are the best portable tablet chargers on the market.  I'm sure more will be created as this year rolls along, however remember to check on the top shopping sites as well as deal sites for those discounts as the ones above the price will start to decline.   

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Trends of 2013 « DreamWebMedia

via DreamWebMedia Here is from a Oracle website. It seems like stress is increasing and we are know about these smart-chips. Even more technology, let’s remember to stay balanced going into new years. and I see how retail is everything now, but I think also trade and barteing will increase as well. And now they want private places in their lives. I liked what they said about this: Play As a Competitive Advantage The Super Stress Era-This is why I recommend EVERYONE, get onto some herbal supplements as soon as possible. (;> Intelligent Objects-I know everyone sees that happening from the media to the movies to the phones. Predictive Personalization…Amazon always remembers your shopping and so does google and other high tech companies. The Mobile Fingerprint-Ah, let’s not let the robots take over… Sensory Explosion-Well as long as you keep the cannabis and other useful plants and substances in reach, we’re all play nicely. Everything Is Retail-Well bartering is already happening and will increase as well. Peer Power-It only comes from other people’s fractals in their lives. Nothing to really be concerned about.Going Private in Public Having a private network like dreamwebmedia will be there helping you get private. Health & Happiness: Hand in Hand Well this should be going on with all of us all the time. We did we all go hair wired?

via Dream Web Media, Inc

Monday, February 4, 2013

Awesome Mind Mapping Software For Blog and Website Organization Tool « DreamWebMedia

via DreamWebMedia many people who start blogs and websites go onto to creating lots more blogs and websites. They will also upgrade software, update facebook ideas and create digital products and physical products. Some of all of these ideas are only the surface when it comes to creating structured and organized blog or businesses really. Here are some mind mapping software that will help you organize all your: Traffic Strategies Blog Post Topics Keywords To Target Products To Promotes Networks To Join Domain Names Content Types(video,article) The list of things are endless and most people try to tackle it all. The thing about it is breaking up these tactics daily or just focusing on one way of generating traffic. Getting these daily tasks taken care of daily will increase your backlink diversity as well as help you quickly identify which traffic source is performing for you. Mind Mapping Software I haven’t added any affiliate links but I might add them later. All of these I have found out are powerful, if you are looking for something free, then I recommend it is very easy to use and simple to install. The software allows you to have a desktop as well as cloud access which means online creative planning without your own pc but with any computer and login access. One thing to start also doing is creating a daily checklist of your traffic requirements and how you plan on systematizing it. I’ll explain more on this later, when you want to get traffic to your blog, you have to organize it and I’ve found that does well but I might move to the cloud for this so then I can be mobile.

via Dream Web Media, Inc

Why Consumers are Purchasing the 7 Inch Tablet Pc

There is this frenzy of everyone desiring to own a touch screen tablet pc but the big hang up is which one to purchase.  I hope to eliminate that for you so that you choose the best for your lifestyle.  If your budget can afford it, get the ipad or the Samsung Slate, there is also the Amazon Kindle for those who are already Amazon customers and love them.   It is the same thing that Apple is doing with all their products, building it all around them and then tying it into your everyday life.  It is quite smart however there are many other tablet pcs online as well as at your local stores that doesn't cost $499 dollars or even $299.  There are tablet pcs that are much less and that is what the 7 inch tablet pc is all about.

       The 7 inch touch screen tablet pc that I am referring to is called, Eske.Tv/TabletPc  It is a new tablet pc on the market.  The twist about this company is they are customer, blogging and mobile directed.  No more being forced to blog from your couch or in your living room when there is nothing really going on.  Now it's time to get out and live the life you were meant to live and blog about it along the way.

The tablet pc runs on the Android operating system and has 4 GB of storage with an expandable bay of up to 32 GB.  This is very powerful for such a small device.  One thing that I also love about this unit is how you can fit it in your pocket or purses for women.  And there is also a keyboard case I recommend that you also pick up so you can protect the tablet from damaging.  Sometimes it gets in the way, but it is a good choice for those who planning on typing and traveling.  Plus it helps when you are watching videos or reading something to have a tilt to it.

Also having the 7 inch tablet pc is smarter if you're a traveler or someone who is mobile.  If you find yourself on the go, at airports, parties, picnics, football games, coffee shops, college or anywhere you wish you could have a bigger screen while still not carrying around a laptop or even something that is heavier than it should be.  Other people love the 7 inch tablet pc because of the price while others love it because it is featured and technology packed!

There is a two way camera on the tablet.  Each camera has recording abilities which is awesome because now you can make videos of yourself or others while on the go.  Or you can take still shots which is great if you're at party or something.  As someone who travels often, this would really be helpful when I need to use an app in another country.  Like those translator apps which will tell me how to say things in the foreign tongue.   There are apps like Facebook, Gmail, Documents, Camera, Recorder,  Angry Birds.  Yes, I said that right there is even a version of Angry Birds pre-installed onto the Eske.Tv touch screen tablet pc.

What is useful about this particular unit also is the soundness, meaning though the speakers are small if you were in a meeting where it was quiet, you would be able to hear it.  And for those who enjoy listening to tunes while on the go, there is an ear phone port so you can skip to the beat! I'm sure I could go on about this touch screen tablet pc, but let's get to the bottom of it.  If you plan on getting a tablet pc, be sure that you get one that is able to be mobile, holds a long charge, bigger than 1 or 2 GB and has two cameras.  If you don't have one that has two cameras and you are already spending $100 dollars more on it then you might want to reconsider.

Blog Username Tips « DreamWebMedia

via DreamWebMedia When you’re creating a blog, you sometimes don’t know what username to pick. Or you want to focus on your audience but you don’t to come off as someone selling anything. What do you do in order to get a good username when creating a blog? The answer will include taking these factors into your decision making process: 1) Is the username easy to spell? Having a username that you can’t spell makes it hard for people to remember to type it in because they don’t want to be sent to the wrong site or waste their time. 2) Does the username call to a certain crowd? Does the subdomain make people think about a certain subject, for example, solarpanelsforsale? If you are just a regular blogger who wants to share their insights into solar panel pricing this might be good. Others might think you are trying to sell them something, even if you were, people for some reason don’t like it. It’s far easy to do what you love and those who see and hear you message will want to come to your blog. However if you an internet marketer who wants to provide reviews on solar panels, then having solarpanelsforsale isn’t a bad idea. 3)Is the name easy to remember? Some usernames are hard to remember because it is a uncommon way of saying it or it’s not commonly spoken. Having is catchy, easy to spell and memorable to my audience. My audience being those who want to create a blog at 4)Does your username interfere with your other marketing strategy? As some people think this might not happen even the best online enabled people who create and develop things in it, will create usernames at blog platforms to help them in the search engines but also in their quest for domination in the domain world even if its a blog platform. Most people wouldn’t share this with you because it is something like taboo, but actually, it’s what a lot of internet marketers do when they get a domain name that is keyword rich, they simply want to own everything about that domain so then others can’t infringe on their quest to dominate. 5)Does your username belong to other private information in your life? Having this as your username is not a good idea when using any blog or website platform, there are too many issues in security flaws for doing this. Just remember that online is suppose to be fun as well as educational and profitable and putting up your private information is not always the smartest idea especially if it belongs to your private personal information and other logins. In Review:*Keep it short*Make it memorable*Focus it to the right audience*Use different names that your other logins online

via Dream Web Media, Inc

Solar Kits For Camping and Outdoor Fun

Top 3 Solar Power Kits

Having power for those outdoor adventures are increasing in demand with everyone needing backup power for cell phones, laptops, lights, heaters, etc.  The list goes on what you can power up out there and now with these 3 solar power kits, you'll know which ones to consider.

These solar power kits are high quality and the manufacturer behind these first couple units I mention are personal climbers and adventurers outside of their professional life.  Doesn't that sound great to do business with someone or a company whose owners actually do what they sell?  Well enough about them, let's talk about you and how you can benefit from their products. 

The first unit is called the Escape 150 Expedition Kit.  This unit is very portable and great for cameras, laptops, smart-phones and tablets.  it provides you with 150 watts of power and is easy to handle.  I have personally handled the battery and it is a bit heavy for hiking with.  However the solar panel is very lightweight and what's cool about is that you unfold it and it has a tripod on the back.  Which means you just face it towards the sun throughout the day and you'll receive a high quality charge into your battery pack.   Since this is the Expedition Kit, it includes a solar lantern so then you'll have a lighting solution at the camp site or whenever you find yourself.

The second solar power system is more powerful and it's still from that company who enjoy adventures and outdoor portable power.  It is the Extreme 350 Adventure Kit and it supplies you with over 300 watts of power, a solar panel and an inverter.  The battery pack is deep cycle and lasts easily beyond 3 years and provides is 350 watts.  The solar panel is a 30 watt mono-crystalline panel and you'll have to set it again something because it does not have a tripod built into it.   What its great about this unit also is the plug in play action where you can plug in your regular power plugs into the system and it'll work.  Just make sure you plug-in the inverter into the battery pack.

The next solar system that is available for outdoor adventurers is called the Yeti Solar Generator.  This is from the same manufacturer who is Goalzero but other retailers carry these units like as well.  This massive power solar kit is able to provide you with 1250 continuous watts of power and comes with 2x30 watt solar panels.  The battery pack has it all built in from the charging terminals for batteries that need a charge.  To those tablets and heaters and computers that require a power outlet, it's all included into the generator system.  All you need to do is set up the solar panels and direct them as the rays of the Sun move off the solar panel.  In short, make sure you move the solar panels to face the Sun.

Before you purchase add up how much power you require and if you'll really need to run those all the time.  The ones you plan on operating mostly, add up those wattages.  Then you'll be closer to what unit you should consider.  For all tablets and laptops, the Escape 150 Expedition Kit works well, just use it when you're laptop battery starts getting low. Then only charge it up until the laptop battery is full.  Then let the solar power recharge the Escape battery pack.  Hope you enjoy your solar power!

Natural Treatments For Anxiety and Street

What Herbal Remedies Help with Stress? and all its interests take no responsibility for any action you take from reading this material.  Please do your own research and study.

          Stress can be an issue when there is no outlet for you to express yourself   Also it's said that its one of the top killers around the world.  I know that we don't like to talk about death and stress and these two things can make people uncomfortable, however the good news is that we know and now have natural remedies that help to overcome stress, anxiety and the like.  We're talking about powerful herbal supplements that keep on growing no matter what happens as long as the Sun is shining, herbs are still growing.

The natural remedies that are available consist of extracts and pills that you'll usually take per day and some twice per day.  Remember since these are known as natural remedy for anxiety and stress, it's a good idea to check with an herbalist about what you're taking now and any health issues you've had recently and in the past. 

List of the Natural Remedies

Ga Adernal-This supplements will help your adrenal glands.  Your adrenals are very important with handling and overcoming stress naturally.

Ashwagandha- You can take these stress supplements in both pill or extract form.

Red Reishi Mushroom- Pouring in the mushroom strips in boiling or semi hot water is the best way to consumer the red reishi mushroom by far. 

I have tired both of these and the strips of reishi is much better I would say as far as the experience.  I did notice a lot more calmness after the strips than with the capsules.  Both will work and I liked the capsules for the mornings when I do have to be somewhere.

Some more natural remedies in overcoming stress is a change in exercise.  You might just need to get your body moving and your tension loosened.  A lot of stress that we have built up is all the 3 aspects of life, spiritual, mental and physical and when stress is not be handled at all those points, then it is no wonder why it's hard to overcome it. 

Here is a metaphysical way to overcome stress is to deal with it directly using EFT.  EFT for short means Emotional Freedom Technique.  Basically you have certain energy fields in your body and in the face.  These points go from your toes up to the crown of your head and when you learn about the EFT, you learn how to tap on these points to let the stress energy out and the calm and peace energy in.  It seemed a bit taboo for me at first until I started getting results.  The real secret I think might be consistency and belief.    However with EFT, other things start to happen that help with the mental and spiritual parts of live that we don't normally think about it because it is not taught in our schools. 

Another way to help remedy stress naturally is with a change in foods.  Did you know that GMO foods and other foods that are processed unnaturally can actually cause your body to slow down?  Think about how turkey contains certain elements that automatically cause you to fall asleep.  While that is true with turkey, other food places like your local restaurants, fast foods as well as grocery stores don't even have a clue.  They are all running on the slowest speed when that is all they do all day.  They eat, which slows them down and gets them to be really tired and sometimes angry.  And then they go to work and follow directions while they are already tired and then they read about how they should exercise and take these supplements.   And the whole time they are on this food and possibly with no meditation, music time, quite time and nature time, it seems like people who run this schedule are literally killing themselves.  But once you realize the change in your foods, thoughts as well as taking the supplements and exercise, you'll be feeling a lot better in days. 

I hope that you do take action to resolve your stress.  You need not have it anymore, you're a special creation and stress is not for you.  All these supplements above I have taken and they all work. The best way to go about is to start with the GA or the the Red Reishi Mushroom strips.  Always check with a doctor and herbalist and do your own research as well, there are many blogs online that provide these kinds of details from real people who have experienced these things. 

Natural Remedies To Overcome Stress And Anxiety

What Herbal Remedies Help with Stress? and all its interests take no responsibility for any action you take from reading this material.  Please do your own research and study.

          Stress can be an issue when there is no outlet for you to express yourself   Also it's said that its one of the top killers around the world.  I know that we don't like to talk about death and stress and these two things can make people uncomfortable, however the good news is that we know and now have natural remedies that help to overcome stress, anxiety and the like.  We're talking about powerful natural supplements that keep on growing no matter what happens as long as the Sun is shining, herbs are still growing.

The herbal remedies that are available consist of extracts and pills that you'll usually take per day and some twice per day.  Remember since these are known as natural remedy for anxiety and stress, it's a good idea to check with an herbalist about what you're taking now and any health issues you've had recently and in the past. 

List of the Natural Remedies

Ga Adernal-This supplements will help your adrenal glands.  Your adrenals are very important with handling and overcoming stress naturally.

Ashwagandha- You can take these stress supplements in both pill or extract form.

Red Reishi Mushroom- Pouring in the mushroom strips in boiling or semi hot water is the best way to consumer the red reishi mushroom by far. 

I have tired both of these and the strips of reishi is much better I would say as far as the experience.  I did notice a lot more calmness after the strips than with the capsules.  Both will work and I liked the capsules for the mornings when I do have to be somewhere.

Some more natural remedies in overcoming stress is a change in exercise.  You might just need to get your body moving and your tension loosened.  A lot of stress that we have built up is all the 3 aspects of life, spiritual, mental and physical and when stress is not be handled at all those points, then it is no wonder why it's hard to overcome it. 

Here is a metaphysical way to overcome stress is to deal with it directly using EFT.  EFT for short means Emotional Freedom Technique.  Basically you have certain energy fields in your body and in the face.  These points go from your toes up to the crown of your head and when you learn about the EFT, you learn how to tap on these points to let the stress energy out and the calm and peace energy in.  It seemed a bit taboo for me at first until I started getting results.  The real secret I think might be consistency and belief.    However with EFT, other things start to happen that help with the mental and spiritual parts of live that we don't normally think about it because it is not taught in our schools. 

Another way to help overcome stress naturally is with a change in foods.  Did you know that GMO foods and other foods that are processed unnaturally can actually cause your body to slow down?  Think about how turkey contains certain elements that automatically cause you to fall asleep.  While that is true with turkey, other food places like your local restaurants, fast foods as well as grocery stores don't even have a clue.  They are all running on the slowest speed when that is all they do all day.  They eat, which slows them down and gets them to be really tired and sometimes angry.  And then they go to work and follow directions while they are already tired and then they read about how they should exercise and take these supplements.   And the whole time they are on this food and possibly with no meditation, music time, quite time and nature time, it seems like people who run this schedule are literally killing themselves.  But once you realize the change in your foods, thoughts as well as taking the supplements and exercise, you'll be feeling a lot better in days. 

I hope that you do take action to resolve your stress.  You need not have it anymore, you're a special creation and stress is not for you.  All these supplements above I have taken and they all work. The best way to go about is to start with the GA or the the Red Reishi Mushroom strips.  Always check with a doctor and herbalist and do your own research as well, there are many blogs online that provide these kinds of details from real people who have experienced these things. 

Some Blog Post Ideas For Those Who Need Some « DreamWebMedia

via DreamWebMedia I found this excellent video that will help stimulant some ideas on what you can blog about. I hope that you enjoy it as I did. You should take some notes so then you can better organize your blog content ideas.

via Dream Web Media, Inc

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Powerful Wordpress Plugins To Help Grow Your Blog « DreamWebMedia Wordfence Security - Anti-virus and Firewall security plugin for WordPress

Wordpress Firewall 2- This Wordpress plugin monitors web requests to identify and stop the most obvious attacks.

 WP-Optimize- This plugin helps you to keep your database clean by removing post revisions and spams in a blaze. allows you to rename your admin name also. Additionally it allows you to run optimize command on your wordpress core tables (use with caution).  

W3 Total Cache- The highest rated and most complete WordPress performance plugin. Dramatically improve the speed and user experience of your site. Add browser, page, object and database caching as well as minify and content delivery network (CDN) to WordPress.

 WP Maintenance Mode- The plugin adds a splash page to your blog that lets visitors know your blog is down for maintenance. Logged in users get full access to the blog including the front-end, depends of the settings.  

WP SlimStat- A powerful real-time web analytics plugin for Wordpress.  

WPtouch- A plugin which formats your site with a mobile theme for visitors on Apple iPhone / iPod touch, Google Android, Blackberry Storm and Torch, Palm Pre and other touch-based smartphones.
WP Simple Paypal Shopping cart- Simple WordPress Shopping Cart Plugin, very easy to use and great for selling products and services from your blog!  

WordPress Database Backup- On-demand backup of your WordPress database.

Who is John Chow « DreamWebMedia

via DreamWebMedia As I have said before, getting into blogging is very easy and you can build many income and knowledge base creating paid as well as free blogging networks. John Chow is one of the most respected bloggers online and around the world. Enjoy the show! Here is a link to his offer:

via Dream Web Media, Inc

Friday, February 1, 2013

Blogging For Profits « DreamWebMedia

via DreamWebMedia So people want to learn how to blog for profits and they hear so many gurus and experts and such talk about how to do it. The real thing about it is, providing a service or something of value in return for web visitors. Most people know that I plan on giving some actionable steps in this post so that if you’re a current blogger or you want to start blogging today, my blog post will be valuable to you which in turn gives me a web visitor. It isn’t bad or anything, it is just how it works until we come across something new, the new things are youtube videos, mobile, tablets, pdf sites, 3d and then there are also some very powerful spiritual things going that can make a difference and then there are also factors like experience and current knowledge about blogging and the list goes onto other even more advanced technologies. How To Actual Blog For Profits? In order to really get traffic to your site, make sure of a blog network and your own social media accounts are all hooked up and relationships are being created there. For example at top level website forums as well as blog communities. The reason for this is those people will blog about their life and friends and what is going on with them. If both of you start discussing what’s going on with you, there is a good chance of that getting blogged about and then it could go viral especially if you have a discussion that is interesting as well as helpful to him/her and the internet community. Another way to blog for profits is to create affiliate stores that have real product descriptions. Not this spun content that shows your merchant’s description. Everyone has been there and now it’s time to knock heads with unique content, other strategies and advanced ideas. These affiliate stores that you create with DreamWebMedia will allow you to get many affiliate links onto one product page. I have been working on getting my main affiliate store customized so then I’ll be able to provide a better user experience. What’s awesome is after creating unique product descriptions and having off site seo and social media on automation, it allows me to just blog from my control center and I know the search bots and social media areas will get my message. And those who are interested will check it out, I know I would if I signed up or followed something or someone I was interested, wouldn’t you? Also, when creating a blog free or paid, you can make money by creating a service. Some people are local about this and they will create a blog and list some services they provide. This works well for family and friends who are all on the same page and want to mingle and post things online and not just on facebook. There are other networks, but when you want to be private, having a private blog network helps. The Point: Create a service on your blog website and generate income from the sales of it Some other ideas for those looking to generate profits online is to create a blog affiliate website that is not just affiliate thick and content thin. You really have to dig deep inside yourself and see what you want to provide in order to hold your interest long enough to keep posting on the blog as well as something that you want to know more about. When you model it from that angle, you realize how easy it is. You’re just blogging about what you’re interested in and can talk a lot about. And others who read it will benefit. The Point: Create 1 Quality Affiliate Blog – Drive Traffic – Earn Commissions Another business model for blogs so you can generate real income is to create a product like ebook or video course or even a physical product. When we launch our dropship package course, you’ll learn how to launch a website and find a product and sell it without actually having it in your hand or in your home. Then collecting payment and making sure that the product gets to your real customers in a time mannerly. These are just some of the blogging for profits or simply generating income online works and it is getting easier by the minute. Of course you have to have put some years or knowledge or study into making money online because I know everyone is at a certain level and I’m learning too. Yes, I’m learning too and realize it is a creative stage and consistently and quality play a vital role. The Point: Create your own digital product and sell it online With that being said, if you want to learn more about how to get started with simply click here for an invite.

via Dream Web Media, Inc

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

via DreamWebMedia Building your blog or even your own website can be a bit daunting especially when you haven’t been to school for it. But in actuality building a blog or website is easier than you think. Once you know your around the platform as well as regular posting, it’ll become a snap. With DreamWebMedia, we also social boost your blog posts so then you’ll attract more people from around the world. This is very unique feature that most bloggers are very happy to have implemented within the network.

via Dream Web Media, Inc